How can you manage and control your sexual desire ?
The urge to have sex is a normal reaction of the body that shows that you are sexually normal. But this urge should not exceed a certain standard. An exaggerated or disproportionate sexual urge is bound to harm you in many ways. Therefore, it is important to keep your sexual desires under control. In this article, you will find some practical tips on how to control your libido.
Look for solutions
To control your libido, you need to start by adopting a number of behaviours. The first act is to get away from your current environment. If you are somewhere and the urge takes you, move and leave the place. For example, if you are in the office, you can ask for a short break to change the atmosphere.
Apart from the change of atmosphere, you should also keep yourself busy. Sexual desire is much stronger during our idle time. Therefore, it is advisable to plan your day down to the last detail.
Apart from these behaviours, it is also advisable to postpone the act until later, whenever the desire takes hold of you. This allows you to think about the act you want to perform. It is advisable to make a list of the negative consequences that may result from the act to be performed. In this way you can deal effectively with bad thoughts and moments of distress.
Avoiding situations that lead you to act as much as possible
It is more important to treat the cause of an illness than its symptoms. To be able to control and dominate your libido, you must avoid situations that awaken your sexual sensation without control. To do this, you must identify the situations or substances that increase your libido. Once you have identified them, you must avoid them. For example, if you realise that you are often aroused by pornographic images, you should avoid these images as much as possible and even limit the viewing of romantic films. Apart from that, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs should be avoided.