What role does sexuality play in a couple’s life ?
Sexuality plays an important role in the development of a couple. Many couples have separated today simply because sexual pleasure is not shared. It is necessary to manage sexuality well for the couple to flourish. In this article, you will find practical advice on how to ensure that your sexuality is fulfilled as a couple.
Sexuality, a vital element in the couple’s development
Sexuality is of paramount importance in the development of a couple. Most couples who have serious problems are those who do not have a healthy sexuality. The poor management of sexuality within couples has led many spouses to become unfaithful. Because a person who is not sexually satisfied in his or her relationship is tempted to try an experience outside the relationship. A couple whose sexuality is badly managed will not be able to survive.
Some myths about sexuality
There are many things that are said about sexuality that are not scientifically verified. We will discuss three of these myths.
– In a couple, you have to have coitus four to five times a week. “Research clearly shows that the quality of sex is much more important than the quantity. There are even couples who are fulfilled despite having only one sexual encounter per week or per month.
– The larger the male member, the better the pleasure. “This statement, although widespread, has no scientific basis.
– The true female orgasm is simultaneous with the male orgasm and occurs only when penetration takes place. “This myth is very old and its empirical evidence has been completely abandoned today. Most women achieve orgasm as a result of direct stimulation of the clitoris; others achieve it either through simultaneous stimulation and penetration or only through penetration.
There are three main stages in the sexual act: arousal, climax and orgasm. An additional stage is seen in women: resolution.